about hyperfixations.
made by vitamin#0006 (apologies if this looks bad on mobile)

what is a hyperfixation?
made by vitamin#0006
according to multiple sources on the internet, a hyperfixation is a person or thing that completely takes over your time. you spend hours finding information about said person or thing, and even lose sleep and dont complete basic tasks.hyperfixations can be experienced by anyone, but it is way more common for neurodivergent people to experience hyperfixations. depending on the person, it can even be hard to control hyperfixations, but it is different for everyone and some people will be able to control their hyperfixations.

how do i talk to someone with a hyperfixation?
made by vitamin#0006
it can be different for everyone, but many people including me dislike when our hyperfixations are insulted. since hyperfixations are such a huge part of our personality and life during the span of said hyperfixation, it can be upset to hear it be insulted.just try to talk to them like you would with anyone else. you should ask for the person's individual boundaries before talking to them.

what happens if i have a hyperfixation?
made by vitamin#0006
as i have said twice before, hyperfixations are experienced differently by everyone. some can't be controlled, and some can be controlled. if you recognize hyperfixations early on, then you can notice a pattern in your hyperfixations.for example, mine usually last around a year or so before i get a new one. t's normal to feel upset after a hyperfixation ends and to feel lost.

resources + other stuff
made by vitamin#0006
in conclusions, please be respectful about hyperfixations, especially if they can't be controlled. i have noticed a lot of disrespectful people on apps such as discord and twitter and it really makes me upset as someone who is autistic.to read more about hyperfixations, read the links below that i also used to help write this.